
His voice cries out sometimes
"Love me!" as I sleep--
Warm bedding encloses me
Like the cold winter encloses a rose
(That will not blossom, enclosed in such a tomb
Until the winter passes and grants her room to breathe.)

His tiny eyes, betraying his somber face
With a gleam and a smile,
Peek out at me from this still life picture--
He by a graffiti-laden wall
Searching the lens to find my eyes
Or any other anonymous gaze.
I say in my sleep--"My heart is for you!"
But blankets betray every vow.

My heart says aloud, audibly weak,
"You will be loved."
I drop my warm blankets, a secure rest
To fly to him in unceasing dreams.
My dreamland is his graffiti wall,
My dreamland is the lens of his thick glasses.
But the blankets fall away,
And I sink.

My treasure lies in a small Mexican town
Proudly standing beside a graffiti-rimmed wall;
But my heart, my heart, my heart,
Lies bundled in a warm blanket in bed.

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